
Still Fighting

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day +7 =)

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Hey guys it's KATIE! I've been up since 4am and just couldn't go back to sleep. It's 7am now so I decided I would blog. Yesterday my sister Kim came to visit as well as Aunt Sherry! I guess I should back up an hour before they came. My counts made it to ZERO which is what we've been waiting for! Well, as expected I needed platelets again... so I was having a little anxiety about having a reaction again. They pre-medicated me with more stuff this time to prevent any kind of reaction but guess what, not 5 minutes into the transfusion the rash started! Luckily my doctor just so happened to be on the floor and came in and had the nurses stop it immediately. They drew my blood to type and cross match just to be sure there wasn't some kind of mix up. Here's an interesting fact I learned yesterday, unlike getting a blood transfusion platelets are comprised of many different people, so any of those people could have allergies I'm allergic to. Now enter Kim and Sherry, yay! I was so glad they would be there for the platelet transfusion. Ultimately the lab found me a bag of just one donor instead of many, all went well, before I knew it, it was done and I didn't have any reactions, thank you Jesus! Kim and Sherry decided to go look at the new building and get some food from the new cafeteria and on the way they found the new gift shop too haha. Kim found me a beautiful orange butterfly! Love love love it, Kim and Jenn know me too well! Kim had to go pick Haley up from school so Sherry and I were left to our own devices. Sherry indeed brought pictures and we managed to do one scrapbook page haha that's good for us, we get side tracked a lot. I just wrote this long blog and realized I'm going to have to get back on later and tell you all my new counts....hopefully Mr. Donor has started engrafting (although I may be jumping the gun a few days) it's nice to dream lol! Mom is coming for lunch! I can't wait. Still Fighting Katie

P.S. Counts are as follows

WBC (white blood cells) <0.1 HCT 24.9 (will probably get a unit of blood today) PLT (platelets) 29 (woo hoo don't need any today) TP 0 ANC 0 We're only on day 7 and in reality we won't see counts go up until day 10-14 so we're still okay. I can't find a good picture for today, I can't get Kim's butterfly to upload so I may just put an oldie but goodie! Okay not an oldie but a goodie! Congrats Kim and Sherry, you made the blog!


  1. Well, it's about darn time I made it! (what do you mean you couldn't find a good picture?? you found a great one! right, Kim?)
    It was fun working on your scrapbbok with you yesterday. We'll have to take some more pictures of those cute kids to put in there!
    Glad Val can come have lunch with you today. I believe Amy is going to visit you this afternoon, too.
    Sorry you didn't sleep well last night, but maybe you will tonight after the busy day you have ahead.
    Love ya, Aunt Sherry

  2. Haha, it's ok I guess! J/K. I'm so glad I was able to make it. Hope to be back sooner than later. Love you...Kimmie

  3. Well Sherry, Amy and I are going to reschedule, I've had some issues today, right now I'm having a blood transfusion, and my feet are so swollen my toes are numb =( ugh, it's okay, one bad day...I can handle it! I will have to call you and tell you the other issues or you can call and ask mom.

    Kim- I'm so glad you made it too. When you come back w my crystal light you can go ahead and bring me some chocolate chip ice cream...the original not mint choco chip or cookie dough...k thanks love =)
