
Still Fighting

Monday, January 17, 2011


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It's Monday morning, gray and overcast, looks like rain...again from my 9th floor hospital suite.  It's really something,  all hardwood floors, bigger rooms, my own refrigerator....Awesome!  Oh yeah,  there is a Chick fil A and a Starbucks, for those of you that like to bring me Starbucks. I believe it's on the basement floor and go straight ahead as soon as you get off the elevators and its on your left. LOL jk hi.  Anyway,  I cannot say enough about this hospital!  Every single person, nurse, doctor, housekeeper, etc...has offered nothing less than the best southern hospitality I've experienced in a long time...in a hospital setting anyway! I guess I forgot that some of the symptoms of chemo come a week or two after having chemo, like the neuropothy in my fingers was finally starting to go away and today I woke up and it's just as bad as before. It has also taken to my upper arms...feels like I got ten tetanus shots in each arm...ouch. And I'm still having pain in my femur and upper leg muscles from the Nulasta shot. They think the vinchristine could be causing this also,  who knows, but who cares?  I'm ALIVE and WELL, and well taken care of!  I cannot thank my Mother enough for all she does, has done and will continue to do for me while I'm sick. Thank you Mom, I love you.  If I had to name everyone that has supported me and cared for me through this, I just know I'd leave someone out by accident, but I love each and every one of you.  I'm so blessed to have two sisters that are nurses and come see me and bring me junk.... i.e. (thank you Kim for the girl scout cookies, and Jenn for the Starbucks and body wash and lotion) yeah they spoil me, yeah I like it! And it's fantastic to have an Aunt Sherry close by for when the others are gone....(if you don't have an Aunt Sherry, you should get one ;) ) Well that's all I have for right now.

Still Fighting,


  1. UGH! So sorry to hear about the pain you've been going through and even more sorry that your doctors and nurses didn't listen to you. Horrible!!! I'm glad you are at a better hospital and are happier with your care. When are you getting out of there?? Any word on when your transplant is?

  2. Katie, you made me laugh! (now accepting applications for new nieces and nephews!) You're so right that your mom has been such a trouper through your ordeal, and your sisters have been there for you, too. That's because we all LOVE you and want to support you on your way back to health. Can't wait to see your new digs ... do they have a bed for me? How does tomorrow sound for a visit?
