
Still Fighting

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 Months post-transplant.

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I will be having my 9 month bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. I hope the results are just as good as the last 3. Only one more for my one year and boom, I think the every three month biopsies will go to every 6 months or maybe even a year, I'm not quite sure yet. Either way I'm happy with whatever because I'M ALIVE! I still do carry some anxiety about relapsing but from what I hear this is normal. So as soon as I know my awesome results, so will you! yipee. Now onto my friend forever Samantha! She goes in Friday to start her conditioning for transplant and needs ALL of our prayers also! Please pray for Sam to have strength and courage! I know she will do great! I also had the pleasure of going the see the MAZE this week. If you have not heard of this fantastic show please google it. Jim Munroe has been blessed with amazing talent. Not only do we share the same diagnosis of cancer and have both had transplants and came out with flying colors but he has taken his illness and turned it into a way to not only educate people on it but to also witness to young children and teens on how God works in amazing ways! The magic is great and all but the message is the real miracle! I do know he will be in Keller in January! GO SEE THIS SHOW!!! It's Free! So I will be back in a few days to update you guys on my results, then we can talk about my "big move" as well!

Still Fighting,


  1. Congrats! I relapsed at 6 months and doing all kinds of treatments now. Are you still taking oral chemo? I'm praying that all is well!!

  2. Who was your donor Heather? Male or Female? Age? I'm so sorry to hear you have relapsed, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger. I know a guy who is about 30 and relapsed twice and has had two transplants...he is currently two years out from his second transplant! What kinds of treatments are you doing? The standard protocol Hyper c-vad? or the child protocol? I will keep you in my prayers Heather! Hugs. Katie
