
Still Fighting

Monday, October 17, 2011

7 Months post transplant

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7 months post transplant....and still in REMISSION! The second bone marrow biopsy came back as "no leukemia detected". Such a blessing. Starting to think about working again and moving back to Austin to take on my role as a full time mommy again! I cannot wait to be able to hug and kiss my children everyday as they deserve. We've all missed each other so much and they are to the point now that they can tell mommy is getting "stronger" as Ryan likes to say and they ask relentlessly "mom, can we live with you now"? It warms my heart but I still have to say, just a little longer. And that is okay with me as I look back and see just how far I've come! To people around me it may not seem like a year is that long but when your the patient, to me I feel like my battle has lasted forever! Today, I am happy, feel well, and eager to move on to the next stage in my life....but this could all change tomorrow lol. Bad joke I guess, I just mean I still have good, bad, and really bad days =)

Thank you all for your continued love, support and prayers!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Katie,
    I am so glad to hear of the latest results. Your posts do give me realistic hope and I thank you for that. As a mom and fellow ALL survivor, I feel your pain and I know there are not words to describe this journey, but we are not alone and we are more than conquerers through Christ who strengthens us. Keep taking care of your babies' mommy, you. You are an inspiration and a gift.

  3. Jill you are the sweetest little thing....and one day I'd like to come to Florida and eat all this good food you cook and display lol! And maybe go to Disney haha. Oh wait...they don't have make a wish for us "older" folk =)
