
Still Fighting

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day +4

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This is Jenn again! I am at the hospital visiting Katie and wanted to give everyone a quick update.

The last 24 hours have been very trying for Katie. Mucositis (sores and inflammation in mouth and digestive tract) has started which is very painful and will get worse before it gets better. She looks like a chipmunk with the swelling in her cheeks and is having problems eating and talking. They have started several medications to help including a PCA (patient controlled pain pump) of Dilaudid. She also got her first temperature of this round so along with that came lots of blood tests and new medications to help with possible bacterial, fungal, and viral infection. It is too risky with transplant patients to wait until the blood cultures come back to start treatment, so they start everything to be on the safe side.

Katie also needed a platelet transfusion today. She developed a rash from head to toe that was red and itchy despite getting benadryl before hand to help with possible reactions. They gave her some iv hydrocortisone and that stopped the rash. It isn't completely gone yet, but it is not getting worse!

On a good note, Katie is in good spirits and is determined to win this battle! I am very proud of her! She continues to have a lot of support from family and friends which she says has kept her in the fight and makes her more determined every day to get through this. On that note, we continue to thank you for all your prayers and support. Katie (and family) couldn't get through this without each of you. Thank you!


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