
Still Fighting

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blood Drive

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The blood drive was a great sucess today. We had 35 people donate blood and about 15 more that got turned away because we ran out of time. Even baby Caleb wanted to help out...haha!  Thank you all so much for donating or going to a Carter Blood care center.  If you still want to donate for Katie, you can go to any carter bloodcare and complete the plan designation form.  Her sponsor number is SPON050001. 

Katie started her first round of chemo yesterday.  She is doing well. She is very tired and not getting much sleep in the hospital.  I just pray for minimal side effects from this round of chemo.  Love you Katie!

1 comment:

  1. my husband and I got turned away! I will find a Carter and go try again soon.
